panty hose / ˈpæn tiˌhoʊz /


panty hose 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a one-piece, skintight garment worn by women, combining panties and stockings.

panty hose 近义词

n. 名词 noun

one-piece undergarment for legs

panty hose 的近义词 4

更多panty hose例句

  1. He tries to weave around the empty van when a guy in overalls with pantyhose covering his face jumps out in front of the bus with a revolver.
  2. A pantyhose sleeve over a medical mask improved filtration to about 80 percent, she and her colleagues reported December 10 in JAMA Internal Medicine.
  3. I was so relieved, until I thought about my dirty pantyhose hanging on the shower at home.
  4. Consider how First Lady Michelle Obama vetoed pantyhose and made bare legs OK for the rest of us.
  5. On a wall already covered with graffiti, someone has written "AARON NEVILLE WEARS PANTYHOSE."
  6. He accepts the token without looking at it, brushes past the man and walks right by the painted-over pantyhose rap.
  7. Remember, that was a time when Joe Namath was wearing pantyhose on TV in a Beautymist ad.